Did you catch our recent custom web application design for HARC? Their new system launched in November 2020 and we thought we’d take you a little further behind our design process.
HARC is a non-profit organisation aiming to improve quality of life. Based in the USA, they help community leaders use objective research and analysis to turn data into positive action. HARC specialises in using data to help improve the social determinants of health: the conditions where people live, learn, work, and play.
HARC were looking for a redesign of their business application system. Although the functions and processes within their existing system were succeeding in meeting their business needs, the application itself was very slow and outdated. The Kartogram team decided to take this project right back to basics and rebuild HARC their new custom business web application from scratch. Here’s how we got on.
We rewrote and rebuilt the structure of both the back-end and front-end design, and whilst doing so we improved the speed and performance of the application by a significant amount. Speed performance plays such a large role in successful web application design as slow functionality can impact organisation productivity and end-user experience. By improving the load speed and function performance of the HARC app, we completely removed this problem for them.
When it came to the application’s capabilities, HARC wanted to keep to the main functions that had existed on their old application system. We rebuilt these actions into their custom Kartogram application, also adding some extra functionality that improved their business model. One of these key features was the ability to upload and update information in approximately 10 minutes. Previously HARC had been paying large costs for bulk uploads of information every few years. Not only does our new feature allow them more flexibility with uploading new data (therefore giving them the power to stay more up to date with their statistics), but it will save them significant costs in the long term.
The admin panel on their new application system design also allows for importing multi-sheet excel documents exported from IBM SSPS statistics software. On top of this, we’ve integrated calculation functions that allow the application to output data in a readable format (including representative charts).
The Kartogram team wanted to ensure that the end users of HARC’s custom web application weren’t forgotten. That’s why we added a search history function to public user profiles, as well as a usage statistics summary. The bright and bold colour scheme of the new system ensures that data is clearly presented and easy to understand - perfect to appeal to HARC’s wide audience of users.
The finished custom web application design looks and performs at a whole other level to its predecessor. The new custom application has saved HARC money in long-term upload costs, and with a faster system and improved UX for both back-end and front-end users, this project has left everyone a winner.
If you like what you’ve seen of this Kartogram custom web application project and want to find out how our team can transform your business’s system, get in touch with our experienced design team. We love a challenge and even more so, we love seeing great results! Find out what we could do for your business today.