Why your website copy is as important as the design
September 21st 2020

Have you been neglecting your website’s written content? Here’s why you should include a review of your website copy in your next custom web design project.

Copy explains who you are. 

In many cases, your website will be the first occasion where a prospective customer comes into contact with your business. You need your copy to explain who you are and what your business is about in order to be successful. Watch out as incoherent copy will put prospective customers off, sending them away from your website and your business for good.

Take the opportunity to explain what’s special about your business in your written content. The bigger impact you can make with your copy, the more likely you are to retain your audience and convert prospective customers into customers!  

Copy is the gateway to sales. 

Website design is what draws prospective customers to your website, but the copy is what convinces them to stay. That’s why your next custom web design project should include a revamp of your content. If your copy clearly explains your story and the benefits of using your business, the chances of you securing customers is far greater. 

This doesn’t mean more words are better, however. Instead of writing longer and trying to win your customers through a chunky narrative, try writing smarter. Get your prospective customers interested with easy to read copy that covers the main important points you want them to know. Spark their interest and you can fill in more details about your offer over the course of the sales journey. 

Copy is a customer filter. 

If your copy succinctly explains what you and your business are about then your website will automatically help to filter out customers who aren’t looking for what you offer. This will save you a lot of time in the long run as you’ll be dealing with fewer enquiries that lead to a dead end. It’s well worth it to touch on copy in your custom web design projects as your web designer can offer you call kinds of advice about how to make your copy work for you in this way. 

Customers who do make contact with you will also require less convincing to use your service, as your clear and concise copy will have explained what your business does and how you can help with their needs. Your copy can take the hard work out of sales conversion by persuading your prospective customers to take action and get in touch! 

If your copy could do with a refresh or if you’re struggling to get your website content to work for your business, get in touch with the Kartogram team today. Alongside custom web design support, we offer web proofreading, editing, and copywriting services to small and large businesses alike. Make contact with us to find out how we can help you get the most out of your custom web design!

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