Where should I feature my logo?
June 14th 2022

So you’ve finished your first branding web design project and you’ve got a brilliant new logo ready to share. But where should you be placing your new design in order to get the most attention from prospective customers?


Of course, your brand logo should feature consistently across your website - especially your homepage. If your logo isn’t visible when your website first loads then you may need to re-think your custom web design - it’s important that your customers become familiar with your branding from their very first interaction with your business. Don’t forget to consider your layout in relation to your responsive design as well - review your website on as many screen sizes as you can to ensure that you achieve consistent coverage with your logo. 


Think about where you can strategically place your logo so that your customers will see it at key times in the visitor journey. Your contact page and product menu are obvious choices, but there are also creative spots that you can take advantage of. Watermarking your product images is a subtle yet effective way to get your logo out there whilst keeping your images linked to your brand. 

Social Media

Your social media channels have the potential to drive a huge number of customers through to your website. It’s important that your logo features clearly across your socials so that anyone clicking through to your central online space can recognise your brand and feel confident browsing your website. Make sure your profile picture incorporates your logo as a very minimum. From here, you can build up your branding through cover image design and the establishment of hashtags. 


Naturally, every piece of collateral that doesn’t display your business name should feature your logo in some shape or form. Whether it’s business cards, t-shirts, caps, or something more bespoke - your logo should act as the signifier for your brand and fly the flag for your business. Make sure it features on your key collateral.

Here at Kartogram, we love designing logos and supporting businesses to develop their branding. We believe that great branding can contribute massively towards business success and customer retention. Kartogram has the experience to help you reach the next level - chat with our team today to find out more.

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