If you’ve got a custom web design project coming up, take a look at our top 3 recommendations for what your customers need to see first. It could make the difference in landing you business!
What your brand is and does
You need to make it as easy as possible for your prospective customers to see what your business is all about. If they have to work to understand what you do and what you can offer, they won’t stick around on your site long enough to even consider getting in touch.
You can make your brand message clear in a number of easy ways. Starting with your website domain and brand identity design (like your logo), give your business an obvious and consistent message in the makeup of your online presence. Follow this through into your written and visual content and you’ll have formed an obvious picture about who you are. These small custom web design tweaks can make a world of difference to how your new prospects perceive your brand.
How it is relevant to them
Not only should you outline what your business does, but you need to project to your prospective customers how your brand can help them. This is the “so what?” question that you need to clearly answer if you want your prospects to see exactly why you’re relevant to them. If they can’t envisage themselves benefitting from your product or service, then once again they won’t stay on your website for very long or see the value of getting in touch.
Customer testimonies are a great way of advertising the benefits of your product or service without it becoming labour intensive for you or off-putting for your audience - particularly if what you’re offering isn’t a necessity. The great thing about testimonies is that they can feature as much or as little as you want in your custom web design, and this is an element of your site that you can keep updating at your convenience.
Contact details
Even if you complete the above two elements to an excellent standard, if your contact details aren’t readily available on your website your prospects are still at risk of not taking that step to get in touch. You need to ensure that your details are easily identifiable and that it takes as little effort as possible for your prospective customers to inquire with you. Otherwise, once again you’re at risk of losing business.
Creating an integrated contact form on your website is an easy way to lead your prospects towards communicating with you. Many websites dedicate a whole page to forms like this, and even display this information in banners embedded into other high-traffic pages of their website. That way, prospective customers can jump straight from learning about your business to getting in touch with you, with minimal clicks to find your details. It’s well worth asking about this feature in your next custom web design meeting if you haven’t got anything like this set up yet.
Want more advice about how to make your website clear for your prospective customers? Contact Kartogram today for guidance with your custom web design needs. We’d love to hear from you!