Should I use Canva to create content for my business?
February 13th 2021

Canva is a great tool for small businesses, especially if you want your brand to look great on a budget. Here are a few of Kartogram’s recommendations for where Canva is appropriate to use for your designs and where an investment in custom web design is something you should prioritise.


Canva is really useful for quickly and easily creating infographics for your small business. If you’ve got some statistics that you want to tell your customers about or if you need to present engaging information in a meeting, you can choose an appropriate infographic template from the selection available. For short term use like on an Instagram story, Canva is a great tool to use as you can produce lots of designs in a short space of time. However, if you’re looking to post infographics on your Instagram feed - we would definitely recommend asking your custom web designer to create you your own template to adapt. This way, you can ensure that your infographic designs fall in line with the rest of your palette, aesthetic, and even use your business font. This small investment will carry great rewards in allowing you to create new content with beautiful, bespoke design.


The same goes for social media. Canva is a great place to turn to if you need to create content quickly, whether it’s for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or another online platform. For one-off business campaigns such as competitions or sale launches, Canva design templates can really fit the bill and provide you with visually appealing content within minutes. However, when it comes to ongoing posting over a longer period of time we would once again recommend investing in a custom web design template. It’s important that social media campaigns for your small business still represent your brand appropriately - posting that ties in with your branding can work wonders for building your identity among your audience. Although it’s easy to turn to programmes like Canva, make sure you’re not missing out on building customer trust by choosing templates over custom web design!


Our final tip is one that the Kartogram team feel very strongly about - stay clear of Canva when it comes to designing your logo! For any custom designs that need to be high quality, unique, and versatile across various areas of your business, you will not be able to achieve long-lasting and professional results using Canva. Always approach a professional custom web designer for help with your logo and other small business branding needs. This small investment will ensure that your business looks professional from the very start and that you won’t need to finance a full rebrand each time your business grows. High quality, unique designs require custom web designers - invest now to save you time and money later on! 

If your small business currently relies on Canva for design work, think about how a small investment in custom web design could benefit you. Kartogram can help with any and all web design needs - get in touch with our team today to find out how we could help you achieve next level web design and business success.

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