Optimising your collateral
June 17th 2020

We’ve all come away from conferences and meetings with armfuls of pens, tote bags, and badges. But how often do these freebies actively convert prospects into customers?

Could your branded collateral be securing better results?

Top 3 reasons why bespoke is better
June 2nd 2020

It’s easy to set yourself up with a website. A quick google; a choice of templates; add your pictures and off you go! However, the problem with using template formats like this is that you’re limiting your business. Don’t believe us? Here are our top 3 reasons why bespoke is better.

ColdFusion wsPublish tag and destroyed session variable
January 9th 2018

We are back with a solution to another, perhaps not so widely known bug. This time it’s a ColdFusion native bug involving its own websocket and session variables. Frankly, it was bugging us (no pun intended)  for the past 2 years. Here’s the problem in detail:

We are running an application that utilises ColdFusion’s native websockets functionality. In a most basic scenario, we run a cfcomponent with several functions to create a notification record and insert it in the database. Then, as one would, push it via the webscoket so all the connected users with the relevant permissions receive it instantaneously. All is nice and well, right? NO.

Animate div with max-height using CSS and jQuery
May 11th 2017

Recently we ran into an annoying problem. Say you have a div with some dynamic text. Sometimes the text is short, so should be displayed in its entirety. Other times - it’s too long, so should be partly hidden. However, differently from hiding the text completely and then using jQuery’s .slideDown() of simply .show(), we wanted to display first few lines of it and give user the ability to show the rest. Also, and this part is very important - the revealing of the whole text should be animated (sort of the .slideDown() effect).

Kartogram launches their brand new website
April 13th 2015

Kartogram New Website Launch

Kartogram’s new website has gone live! Go on, come and have a look around...!