Is it time to review your business's branding?
December 22nd 2021

If your business has been around for a while, it might be time to start thinking about reviewing your brand. Why? Running a business takes lots of time and energy, and if you don’t stop to review what you’re doing once in a while, you may miss opportunities to optimise your content. By pausing to evaluate what has been working and what hasn’t, you can ensure that you make the most of opportunities for your business and streamline your journey to success!

Here at Kartogram, we’d recommend reviewing your brand every 6 months if possible (or at least yearly at a minimum!). For many people, the end of the year works as a great time to evaluate, with the highs and lows of the year just gone still fresh and current in your mind. 

When it comes to reviewing your business, it can help to start by dividing your approach into three sections: Branding, Content, and Marketing. By taking each of these sections one at a time, you can analyse what you have produced, take stock of what has been popular, and develop your strategy for the year ahead based on these successes. 

In the process of picking out what worked well for your business, you’ll also come across elements of your branding, content, and marketing that aren’t performing as you’d like them to. It’s important to evaluate these parts of your branding to work out the reasons why these elements aren’t as popular as other areas of your business - and from here, how to fix them. 

That’s where Kartogram comes in. If your business’s branding isn’t working quite how you want it to, or you haven’t seen success rates on the level you were hoping for this year, our friendly team of custom web designers are here to help. From logo and infographic design to marketing content and strategy planning - Kartogram can help you to respond to the results of your branding review, helping your business to grow and flourish in the year ahead. 

Contact the Kartogram team today to learn more - we’re really looking forward to getting to know you!

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