With so many template website building tools out there it can be easy to pull together a business platform without carefully considering how to make sure it’s truly fit for purpose. Ensuring that your custom website contains the right components and features to optimise your business success is really important. To get it right, the key is in the research!
Research is vitally important for any custom web design project, whether you’re launching your business into the world for the very first time, are rebranding your existing business platforms, or updating your content to grow with your brand. Not sure where to start? Here are a few prompts to help you get to grips with your custom web design research.
Think about purpose What function will your custom website or bespoke web application have when it comes to your customer journey? Whether you’re driving e-commerce or pushing informative functionality, you should explore existing platforms that have a similar purpose. What works well? What could be improved?
Consider designOnce you’ve started exploring custom web platforms with a similar purpose to your project, delve a little deeper by looking at the design. Can you spot features that take the design to a greater level? How about the overall look? Start to develop a list of likes and dislikes that will drive the development of your own project.
Test it outDon’t just look at the custom web designs out there - test them out too! Try out the functionality of features as this will help you to determine what will and won’t work for your own business platform. You may spot something that you like or can adapt to fit your own project’s purpose.
The more research you do, the clearer idea you will have of the results you want to see from your next custom web design project - whether that be in terms of functionality or visual design. Having an idea of what else is out there can help you to drive your own growth and user value in the right direction.
For more tips on conducting custom web design research, or if you’d like to talk about your next custom web design project with the Kartogram design and development team - get in touch with us today. We’d love to hear more about your business goals and chat with you about how we can help you reach them.