Regularly updating your custom website content can do wonders for boosting your business. How often should you be editing and upgrading your content in order to ensure your website performs at its best?
Whilst there isn’t a blanket rule for how often you should update your content and post updates to your custom website, it’s a good idea to maintain regularity so that visitors can see that your business is active and reputable. Here are some tips from the Kartogram team when it comes to website content:
ConsistencyIt’s tough to keep momentum when it comes to content updates. Custom website features like blogs require constant attention and strict routine in order to be successful. Plan your posts in advance and stick to a schedule so that your website visitors can anticipate when to check back in on your website.
QualityAlways prioritise quality over quantity. Research your content updates and dedicate time to producing great copy that will engage your readers. Fewer posts with fresh ideas will generate more interest than frequent but repetitive material.
Regular checksHow often do you check the internal links across your web pages? Take some time to navigate your own custom website to ensure that every update you action is done properly. Nothing puts visitors off more than a website that doesn’t function as it promises!
Should you be updating your custom website more frequently?
Are you struggling to keep on top of your content?
If the answer is yes to either of these questions, then Kartogram is here to help. Not only can our friendly custom web design and development team advise you on your content strategy and create custom web designs to boost your performance, we can support your content with copywriting services too.
Get in touch with Kartogram today to hear more about our services. Choose Kartogram as your custom web design partner and let us help your business to reach the next level.