5 key website updates for Summer 2022
June 6th 2022

Summer is upon us! While the sun is shining, take the chance to update your website and make sure your business platform is ready for the season ahead. Looking for advice on where to start? The Kartogram team have put together our top 5 website update recommendations for summer 2022 - keep reading to find out more. 

1 Refresh your content Review and update your content regularly to ensure that you’re leading with a strong and consistent brand message across all areas of your site. As your business grows and changes, it’s especially important to stay on top of things like contact information. If you haven’t got the time to commit to regular content audits, use this summer to get on top of what your website is putting out there - attention to detail with content can lead to big changes in business growth and client retention. 

2 Update key areasHave you got a blog that has become an afterthought over the winter months? Are you scraping by with outdated product images? How long has it been since you checked your SEO and keywords are bringing you the right results? Now is the time to be getting your business back on top! 

3 Test your links…and test them again! Links can break at any time and a “page not found” message can very quickly turn potential customers away from your brand. Stay ahead of the game and keep your brand looking professional and trustworthy by making sure every internal and external link works the way you want it to. 

4 Check all devicesIn 2022 your website should be responsive - adapting seamlessly to fit perfectly on every screen size out there. Each time you update your site, remember to test every page on as many different screens as you can. 

5 Vary your CTA messagingIt’s good to change up your call to action copy so your customer experience stays unique and fresh. Rotate what you’re asking and where so that you can measure the response - it might surprise you what works the best with your customer base. 

Need a hand with your website maintenance and upgrades this summer? The Kartogram team are always open to hearing from new clients and we’re here to help with anything and everything your need. We’re custom web design experts with over a decade of experience in the industry - supporting clients all over the world to reach their goals and grow to the next level. Get in touch with Kartogram today to start your journey. 

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