2 custom web design gimmicks to avoid on your website
September 10th 2021

There’s so much advice out there for what makes great custom web design, no wonder business owners sometimes struggle to know which direction is the right one. With custom web design in particular, free advice and ideas can become repetitive and gimmicky if overused or overshared.

Here are two of the most common custom web design gimmicks that the Kartogram team come across with new clients. If you can avoid falling falling into these custom web design trend traps, you’ll be off to a great start in ensuring your online business platform is unique and professional.

1.  Pop-ups 

Pop-up windows can be a great tool in ensuring your customers see certain messages. On many websites, cookie preferences and GDPR policies are the standard thing to display in pop-up windows - we would recommend you stick to this, and stay clear of using pop-ups to advertise offers or deals. Many customers associate pop-ups with click-bait or spam, so whilst this feature ensures customers view your messages before entering your main site, you’re unlikely to yeild the click-throughs you’re looking for. 

2. Sticky features

Similar to pop-ups, sticky menus and messages are a way of positioning messages in front of your customers. Whilst they have their uses, for example when sticky tabs can help to keep key information central on a one-page website, sticky features are more likely to irritate your audience. Our advice would be that if you’re tempted to use sticky features, consider whether your website pages are too lengthy. Could stationary advertising be used instead? 

The best advice we have for avoiding custom web design gimmicks altogether is to work with an independent agency like Kartogram. Whilst it’s great to access free custom web design advice online, it’s often these widely available ideas that run the risk of becoming gimmicky.

Contact the Kartogram team today for more advice about custom web design best practice. If you’re looking for a reliable and dedicated design partner for your business, Kartogram is the agency for you. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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