Is your website damaging your business's reputation?
April 19th 2021

Your website is one of the biggest custom web design investments you’ll commit to in the growth of your business. It’s an opportunity for your designer to draw customers towards your business and your marketeers to sell your product or service with great content. 

It’s a no-brainer - a brilliant website is key to success. But how do you balance the different priorities that your team may have when it comes to your online platform? Could potentially imbalanced custom web design priorities actually be damaging your business’s reputation? How can you make sure your website works in the best way for your customers?

Here are a few of the Kartogram team’s recommendations to help you recognise whether your website could do with some improvement. 

Can your customers find the information they need? 

It’s all well and good that you’ve got your business story and brand values clearly displayed on your site, but can you customers find out about your services or products easily? Think about the question or problem a potential customer might have that leads them to your website - does your site quickly lead them to the answer or solution? If not, you may need to think about your customer UX and improving your custom web design layout.

Does your website visually fit with your sector or industry? 

Sleek and modern design is great, but if your website doesn’t fit with your industry or audience demographic then you’ll struggle to grow success in your target market. Think about your audience and how they might receive your website - it may well be that your custom web design needs to change in order to appeal to those you’re looking to sell to. 

Is the content on your website up to date and responsive? 

Take the time to regularly check through your website content and ensure that everything your customer can see is up to date. This not only includes text (particularly key information like pricing, product details, and contact information), but also image and design content. Also, ensure that any updates you make are functional across multiple types of device - it’s no use having great content if it only looks good on 1 type of screen! 

It’s important that your website appeals to all audiences, and that all members of your team who’ve had an input are pleased with the outcome on the final platform. However, compromise is key and the customer comes first. Take control of your online reputation today by optimising the custom web design on your site - for customers first and foremost. 

If your business is in need of custom website support, Kartogram is here to help. The friendly Kartogram team are experienced across all areas of custom web design and development and can help you to maximise your website’s potential. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

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