Whilst using frameworks as a base to build a website is much more time efficient for the website developer , this often results in a more complicated, unoriginal and time-consuming website for the client and their customers.
Here at Kartogram, we don’t believe in using templates for your website, but rather take the time to develop simple, easy to navigate and quite frankly brilliant, back-end systems. The beauty of this is that our clients have much more control and creativity over their own websites. Don’t just take our word for it, why not have a play around yourself - just head to this page to explore.
We say it time and time again, but in order for us to build your fantastically bespoke website, we need to know as much as we possibly can about your business. Before even putting mouse to screen, we spend a lot of time researching our client’s business and meeting with them directly so that we can provide systems that suit the needs of individual organisations.
Bespoke website development is a creative process and one which begins with the design, and finishes with the full development of the site. At Kartogram, we take you through this whole process, and because we know your organisation inside and out (and also back to front), we are able to assist our clients with further expansions and upgrades in the future. With virtually no limitations.
With social media’s ever-increasing popularity, we are also able to integrate Facebook, Twitter and any other platforms into your project. If you would like a custom blog on your new site, we’ve got this covered too.
Whilst your flashy new website will be simple to manage, Kartogram offer their clients completely free training before your site goes live (although we’re not sure you’ll need it, our sites are very easy to use).