How often should I redesign my website?
August 24th 2020

The most common recommendation for website redesign is every 2-3 years, however, in reality the shelf life of your site is completely unique to your business. Here at Kartogram, we’d advise that you should review your website as regularly as possible in order to keep it in the best working order. We assist businesses with all forms of website redesign, from small tweaks and edits to large and complex custom web design rebuilds. If you’d like to have a chat with our team about what we can do for you, contact Kartogram today.

What is responsive design and why does my website need it?
August 17th 2020

Responsive web design (RWD) is the term used to describe websites built with flexible capabilities, allowing sites to appear seamlessly and perfectly on any screen size or device. Custom web design components like text, logos, images, and blocks can all appear differently depending on the device used to load the website, adjusting to comfortably fit the given screen size with no errors or glitches. 

Seems like a simple idea, right? In this post we’ll briefly outline why this seemingly minor design element is majorly important to consider when it comes to custom web design. 

You know you need a web designer when...
August 10th 2020

It’s tricky to know when you need to get in touch with a web designer. Here are our top 10 indicators that you should get help with your custom web design.

Why do I need a website when I run my business through social media?
August 3rd 2020

So many new businesses start their journey on social media. Particularly for creators, showcasing work on these platforms can quickly turn into requests for products, commissions, and services. If you’ve started a small business on social media and want to ensure the growth of your concept and customer base, keep reading as we’ll explain why custom web design should be the next step for you. 

What's the difference between web design and web development?
August 1st 2020

In the business world you’ll often hear the words design and development used together, particularly where websites are concerned. From initial planning conversations through to implementation, it can be difficult to know when it’s appropriate to use these terms in the same breath and when you need to discuss them separately. What do design and development really mean in terms of the practicalities of your web project? How are they different? And which should you be referring to when you’re discussing your plans with your team?