We're still here!
November 19th 2020

As an independent boutique web design agency, Kartogram has been impacted by the effects of coronavirus in the same way as many small businesses. Thankfully, our team has really felt the love from our clients and those who are choosing independent businesses to support their projects. We’ve been able to continue working harder than ever this year, providing custom web design and web development assistance across a whole host of exciting projects. 

How to give your designer useful feedback
November 16th 2020

Custom web design projects achieve the best results when there’s a dialogue. Fact

Communication between you and your web designer is really the key to getting the most out of a custom web design project. Struggling with where to start? Here are a few tips to help you organise your thoughts.

Behind the design: Leyos
November 11th 2020

We recently added to our custom web design portfolio with Leyos. We’ve always enjoyed working with the Leyos team and wanted to show you a little more of our custom design work with them. From their website and social media platforms to their amazon product profiles - we’ve loved creating custom web designs for Leyos and can’t wait to continue in the future!

10 questions to ask yourself before you commit to your final design
November 5th 2020

So you’re coming to the end of your latest custom web design project and it’s time to pick your favourite design. We’ve put together 10 key questions you should ask yourself before you commit to your final decision! 

Top 3 tips for optimising your copy
November 2nd 2020

Are you struggling to tell your story in the right way? Here are our top 3 tips for optimising your custom web design copy.